
Welcome to my portfolio page. Here is a collection of my recent projects. This page will display new projects as I continue to pursue my passion for coding, so please check back frequently. Full Stack Projects as well as Front End Projects will have a brief description as well as links to the deployed project and its respective repository. Back End Projects will also have a description as well as a link to a video walkthrough of the completed application. Click on the project images to get a better view of it! Please feel free to provide any feedback via the contact page or connect with me on social platforms!

Workout Tracker

This is a fitness application that allows a user to view, create, and track their daily workouts. A user can start a new workout, log several different exercises, and even continue a workout that has not yet been completed. This application features the use of Express.js for the back-end, Node.js to bring the front and back ends together, MongoDB for the database, and the npm package Morgan for middleware.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository


Welcome to MyGym! This Gym Database Management application manages a number of tables through Sequelize and MySQL2 which relate to the data types we expect a typical gym to utilize, including members, membership tiers, trainers, and gym classes. The front end of our application serves as an interface for gym administrators to manage information about the gym, as well as an online portal for gym members to sign in and register for classes or change their membership tier. The back end of our application utilizes a RESTful API to perform GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT requests on the information, as requested by front end input.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Smart Tech

Smart Tech is a CMS-style blog, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers posts as well. This application follows the MVC paradigm in its architectural structure, using Handlbars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM, and express-session npm package for authentication.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

E-Commerce Back End

The purpose of this project is to develop the back end for an e-commerce site. With this project, a user can can perform CRUD operations for the Product, Tag, and Category Tables in the database. This project features the use of Express.js for server side functions and Sequelize to interact with the MySQL database. Tests for the API Endpoints can be performed through Insomnia Core.

Video Walkthrough Part 1
Video Walkthrough Part 2
Github Project Repository

Employee Tracker

This project is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application that allows a company to build and maintain their employee database. It allows a user to view all employees, roles, as well as departments. It also allows for adding employees, roles, departments and updating employees all from your CLI. This project was built using Node.js and MySQL. It also features the built in npm package, Iquirer, for user interaction.

Full Video Walkthrough
Github Project Repository

Note Taker

This is an Express.js note taker application that allows a user to create, read, and delete notes. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to work in the back-end by building a web server. This project was also deployed on Heroku!

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Team Profile Generator

The purpose of this project is to build a Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generate an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. This project also features the use of testing through Node.js's built in package called Jest. To take user input the project also features the use of the Inquirer package.

Full Video Walkthrough
Github Project Repository

README Generator

The purpose of this project is to build a command-line application that uses Node.js to build a README generator. The project uses npm packages such as inquirer to take in user input, util to use promisify that lets the user use promises instead of callback functions, and fs to write the file.

Full Video Walkthrough
Github Project Repository


Welcome to Cryptelligent! This app allows you to search the trending cryptocurrencies and monitor specific coins, as well as read related stories on crypto. The purpose of this project was to create an online application for new investors who wish to learn more about the world of cryptocurrency.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Weather Dashboard

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to work with API's. This project features two API's from Open Weather Map; the Current Weather Data API, which was used to pull data to get the current temperature, humidity, and wind speed. This API was also used to get the inputted city's longitude and latitude and feed it into the One Call API to grab the 5-day Forecast for the city, as well as the current UV Index. This project features the use of Moment.js to retrieve the current date and the future dates for the forecast. It also features the use of saving searched cities to local storage so that the user can click on them again and have that previously searched city populate the dashboard.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Work Day Scheduler

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to work with jQuery to build an app that allows a user to plan out their busy work schedule. The project features the use of Moment.js to dynamically update the page based on the current hour. This project also features the use of saving events to local storage as well as retrieving those events when the page is refreshed.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Code Quiz

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to work with the Document Object Model (DOM) and dynamically create elements on the page. This project also shows my ability to use JavaScript event listeners and storing data into local storage to retrieve and display it later on.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Password Generator

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to work with JavaScript prompts and alerts to generate a unique password under certain circumstatnces.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository

Horiseon Code Refactor

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to work with existing code and be able to refactor it as well as applying semantic HTML. I also consolidated the CSS to make it more readable and so that it matches the flow of the HTML.

Deployed Project
Github Project Repository